We live in the times when the need for leadership is tremendous. Today leaders are facing some major and unique challenges. They need to challenge some of their basic assumptions and values. They must re-invent themselves and adopt new leadership styles. This fact is both exciting and scary for many men and women in leadership positions. To think outside the box is not good enough anymore. One must create the new boxes.
Vitality factor: without it nothing happens
When speaking of leaders, vitality factor (VQ) comes in mind. It is essentially the ability for the leader to energize himself or herself and to boost the energy levels of others, teams and organizations at least from time to time. Without the vitality of a leader, nothing happens. But too much of it can turn out to have as negative effect on the coworkers as the lack of it. We must keep in mind that a high VQ is not a condition for happiness. On the contrary, people who are full of energy can be over-self-demanding and exhausting for the people around them.
Interested in more?
Watch the video and experience IEDC with prof. Pierre Casse, Leadership Chair at IEDC-Bled School of Management. Prof. Casse is a specialist in intercultural dynamics, leadership, organizational development and change within the context of the global market place.