When we talk about disruption nowadays, we think about the unexpected disturbances in the business environment, which can reshape the industries, markets and organizations. Disruptive change is any change that eventually disrupts an existing market and or the value network, displacing established market-leading firms, products, and alliances. Thus, keeping an eye on where disruption can come from and how it may affect the way we do business – is extremely important.
A quote of Heraclitus, the pre-Socratic Greek philosopher, comes to mind: “Change is the only constant in life”. This seems to be the oldest attributable piece of philosophical thinking, but we still have problems in coping with it. So, what are the ways to successfully deal with such a change?
Apart from learning from experience and mistakes, proactive managers and leaders look into the management development programs as an opportunity to reflect and learn in a more structured way. As the topic of disruptive change is on the minds of many business leaders today, it is also reflected in the program offers of many business schools. The IEDC-Bled School of Management is no exception. In March 2019 in frame of the Digital Transformation program a 2-day seminar will be held, led by Dr. Nenad Filipović, where disruptive change will be addressed from 4 different angles.

First of all, the sources of disruption will be analyzed and ways of foreseeing such changes will be presented. Some practical examples will help participants understand the causes, be it geopolitical surprises, changes in consumer behaviors, innovations, technology, digitalization, or new business models.
Secondly, the rules for a successful transformation will be highlighted: participants will receive a tool for developing new or upgrading an existing business model. Such questions as what kind of business model transformation is needed or how to understand which part of business model needs to be adjusted in order to create bigger value for consumers will be answered. Moreover, business models of the future will be discussed.
Third block of issues highlighted during the seminar will concern the leadership priorities. When something like technology gets into the business reality, leaders that are aware of change and know how to lead in new circumstances by adjusting communication, motivational mix, teamwork rules, problem-solving capabilities, have more chances to come out on top. However, what are the right approaches, is debatable and will be thoroughly discussed during the seminar.
Winston Churchill once said that »It is no use saying, 'We are doing our best.' You have got to succeed in doing what is necessary.” The last part of the seminar will be devoted to integration and application of a new strategy. To make the most of opportunities, leaders and their teams must know how to transform and make the right strategic choices. Disruptive change brings new behaviors and creates new values. The biggest change that is required is the change of mentality which everybody knows is not easy to achieve.
What the seminar in Bled offers to representatives of management boards and managers from different fields facing necessity to make radical changes is not only a holistic understanding of disruptive change and a practical toolbox, but also a safe environment for evaluation of their existing business models. Best practices are showcased and critically analyzed. As mentioned before, the seminar is led by Dr. Nenad Filipović, who has an extensive expertise in teaching and consulting business executives from the region and beyond.
More information on the seminar “Leading Disruptive Change” that will take place on March 5-6, 2019 at the IEDC-Bled School of Management can be found at the following link. The seminar is a part of the Digital Transformation Program and can be complemented with two more topics: Digital Strategy and Marketing of Innovative Products and Services.