DBA Infosession

04.07.2023 02:00 PM
Join us for an online DBA Infosession with the DBA Program director, current DBA participant and the admission staff.

Explore the DBA study at IEDC

Learn what the IEDC Doctor of Business Administration is about. Join us at a free online infosession where we will present in detail:

  • the DBA Program layout
  • the Courses
  • the Faculty
  • the Admission and enrollment procedure
  • Q&A about the program


  • Dr. Drikus Kriek, Dean and Director of Doctoral studies, IEDC
  • Simo Suđić, Exyte Central Europe Gmbh, Germany, DBA participant 
  • Ms. Iva Eibel, DBA Program Manager


14:00 - 14:05 Welcome & Presentation of DBA (Doctor of Business Administration) Infosession Agenda by Dr. Drikus Kriek, Dean and Director of Doctoral Studies, IEDC

14:05 - 14:35 Brief presentation of the DBA program by Dr. Drikus Kriek, Dean and Director of Doctoral studies, IEDC

14:35 - 14:45 DBA candidate shares experience: Simo Suđić, Exyte Central Europe Gmbh, Germany

14:45 - 14:50 All you need to know about admission and enrollment into the DBA program by Iva Eibel, DBA Program Manager, IEDC

14:50 - 15:00 Q&A from the audience to speakers

The recording of the infosession will be available to all registered participants.



Iva Eibel
Iva Eibel
Program Manager for doctoral studies & Head of Corporate Communications


Accreditations of the School