IEDC Masterclass in Zagreb: Minding our P’s Q’s and I’s: How to manage in a Horizontal Environment. Forward-thinking in Management Organizations

14.09.2023 04:45 PM
A free IEDC Masterclass lecture with visiting and permanent lecturers of the IEDC-Bled School of Management giving an opportunity to experience executive education in-person.

Join us at a free IEDC Masterclass in Zagreb »Minding our P’s Q’s and I’s: How to manage in a Horizontal Environment. Forward-thinking in Management Organizations«, led by Prof. Randy Kudar, Canada, one of the greatest management educators and experts in management and application of quality and productivity to organizations, and the application of the theories of modern physics and biology to management and organizations. Prof. Kudar is Professor Emeritus at the Ivey Business School and has been Visiting Professor at IEDC from 1994 to 2013. In 2014 he was awarded the title Doctor Honoris Causa by the IEDC Senate and was named  "Prof. of the Year” numerous times during his teaching at the IEDC EMBA program. 

The masterclass will take place on Thursday, September 14, at 17:00 - 19:30, at the premises of DRUŠTVO HRVATSKIH KNJIŽEVNIKA (Trg bana Josipa Jelačića 7/I, 10 000 Zagreb). 

About the topic

There are several things that are happening that make the perspective of Managing in a Horizontal Environment (Minding our Productivity, Quality, and Interdependence) relevant at this time. This includes the breakdown of globalization in business and the supply chains. This puts greater pressure on domestic markets, and domestic competition for companies. The advent of Artificial Intelligence is revolutionizing our concepts of business and information. There is a critical need to know what is fact and what is fiction or "fake news". This demands a cybernetic approach to examining issues and problems facing management now.


16:45 – 17:00 Registration 

17:00 – 18:30 “Minding our P’s Q’s and I’s: How to manage in a Horizontal Environment. Forward-thinking in Management Organizations” by Prof. Randy Kudar (Lecture & Discussion)

18:30 – 19:30 Networking




VP 160_184_with background
Vera Pasynkova
Marketing Manager


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