IEDC Faculty

Nick Alexander Guldemond

Nick Alexander Guldemond

Leiden University Medical Center, the Netherlands

Prof. Nick Guldemond holds degrees in medicine and electric engineering and a PhD from Maastricht University. He was the CEO and founder of the Medical Field Lab (early 2000) i.e. the first international example of a university hospital-based ‘living lab’ dedicated to science, innovation and societal impact. In this period, he was experimenting with early days university-based open-innovation concepts, co-creation, service design and building innovation ecosystems.

In addition, he holds a position as a Senior Researcher at Leiden University Medical Center in the Netherlands. In 2017, he became Professor for Integrated Care and Technology at Sechenov Medical University, and since 2021, he is also Professor for Public Health and Healthcare. He has successfully managed various multidisciplinary/multicultural teams and departments as well as developed educational programs, curricula and established two successful companies. As a key expert on Health and integrated care, he is an Expert Member of the WHO Working Group Digital Health, WHO Pan-European Commission on Health and Sustainable Development.

He holds a degree in medicine and electric engineering. During his career, he worked as a clinical researcher in numerous health innovation programs for pharma, medtech and health IT. He is a key expert on Digital Health and integrated care for various governments on different continents, NGO’s, multinationals and start-ups.

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