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Dr. Wang Jinazhou former Chairman of China Mobile visited IEDC – Bled School of Management
Dr. Wang Jinazhou, Chairman of China association for Public Companies and former Chairman of China Mobile visited IEDC – Bled School of Management

Bled, May 6, 2019: Prof. Danica Purg received Dr. Wang Jinazhou and Mrs. Bi Xiaohui, his wife at IEDC – Bled School of Management. Dr. Wang is a former Chairman of China Mobile which has almost 100 million subscribers today. During his career he worked for Telecommunications Bureau and was a Director in the Ministry of Posts and Telecommunications of People's Republic of China.

Dr. Wang is a Chairman of China association for Public Companies. Prof. Purg and Dr. Wang are both Members of the Supervisory board of SOM (School of Management, Zhejiang University)

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