IEDC Speakers

Dr. Krista Finstad-Milion

Director of the Human Resources and Organisational Behaviour Academic Department at ICN Business School

Dr. Krista Finstad-Milion, Director of Human Resources and Organisational Behaviour Department at ICN Business School (Paris-Nancy-Berlin), female/male equality office at ICN for the Conférence des Grandes Ecoles (CGE) is an engaged scholar on subjects such as sustainable human resource management, f/m equality in the workplace, diversity and inclusion, responsible management and action-learning. In 2008, then Director of ICN’s Executive MBA, Krista co-created EST’elles Executive, headquartered at ICN, that is today one of the leading women’s professional networks in the Grand Est region. In 2020, Krista was elected Chair of PRME (Principles of Responsible Management Education) Chapter France-Benelux, an initiative of the United Nations. She coordinates with deans, professors, support staff and students, from 75 business schools and university faculties in France, Belgium, the Netherlands and Luxembourg, in PRME Global Forums to move forward on Agenda 2030 and the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals.

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