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IEDC has published the proceedings of the International Academy of Management 2020 Global Forum
Views of world gurus on leadership challenges have been published in proceedings of the conference entitled: Impending Global Leadership Challenges: Lessons Learned from the Covid-19 Crisis

The proceedings were published following an inspiring conference that brought together world-class academics and business leaders to discuss a new global challenge brought on by the Covid-19 crisis and the critical opportunities it presents. In the opening addresses Alfredo Enrione and Danica Purg spoke about the lack of a clear solution and the importance of wisdom and experience from politics, business and academia to try to find answers or at least formulate the right questions and address current and future global challenges. From all three perspectives - business, academic, and political, the keynote speakers Muhtar Kent, Edgar Schein and Danilo Türk drew lessons that can be applied to other global challenges such as climate change and inequality.

In parallel tracks, participants explored new questions and opportunities and shared ideas on Global Cooperation to Create Opportunities, that are a Force for Good; Revisiting Corporate Leadership, Purpose and Governance, and Emerging Best Practices in Dealing with Impending Global Threats.

Rosabeth Moss Kanter, in her keynote address on Global Leadership Challenges: Six Frontiers of Management, presented six important frontiers that can help restore relevance to management science and business and find positive solutions to the world's problems.

While this year's conference was held online, in the closing remarks Danica Purg expressed the wish to welcome everyone in person to Bled in the near future, and certainly at next year's Annual Global Forum, which will be held from 13 to 15 October 2021.

The proceedings could not be produced without the support of the sponsors, Corporate Governance Center at ESE Business School, Universidad de los Andes, Farmer School of Business Miami University, Ohio and International Academy of Management.

The proceedings can be downloaded here.



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