See what happened at IEDC


Hidden champions 2nd meeting
With a research-active summer behind their shoulders and completed country reports drafts on their hands, the participants of the Hidden Champion research project came to IEDC-Bled School of Management for their 2nd meeting, which took place on October 15-16 in Bled, Slovenia.
80 participants and eminent speakers from 16 countries engaged in discussions on central topic of this year's International Human Resource Managers‘ Forum was “The Changing Society: Implications for the HR Function”.
Seven MBA students and five academics from UL’s Turfloop Graduate School of Leadership (TGSL) – also a CEEMAN member, have travelled to IEDC-Bled School of Management in Slovenia to explore contemporary global business ideas and benchmark on best practices.
Zmagovalci Generali AAA
The Winners of the 2018 Generali Alumni Achievement Award are Nontwenhle Mchunu, YMP 2010, South Africa, Mark Pleško, EMBA 1996, Slovenia, Enzo Smrekar, EMBA 2008, Slovenia, Florentina Taudor, EMBA 2005 /06, Renania; CEO; Romania, Maida Zahirović Salom, EMBA 2017, Bosnia and Herzegovina
Emir Graduatin
Emir Džanić, the IEDC doctoral student and innovation and management consultant, defended his dissertation entitled: »Organisational culture and open innovation the case of a large food processing company«, under the mentorship of Prof. Marcel Bogers, Denmark.
Alumni Romania
IEDC Alumni Club Romania organizes an Alumni Conference for its members and guests
Zmagovalna ekipa Orange iz Romunije
Team from Orange Romania won the Global Case Study Competition
On September 12, 2018, IEDC and WISE Institute hosted the first GreenTech Forum, which was connected to Bled Strategic Forum.
Women leaders from Africa visit IEDC-Bled School of Management and Slovene companies
Danica and Uroda at Mljet
IEDC Dean Prof. Danica Purg meets Mr. Tomislav Uroda, MBA 2007 at the island of Mljet. Mr. Uroda's company i-CAT launched a solar energy boat, made for the National park of Mljet. Also the President of Croatia took part at the launching event.
Exploratory study on Management and Leadership Development Needs in 10 countries of Central and Eastern Europe and in South Africa is published by Springer
YMP srček
100 first-time managers from 20 countries attended International Summer Schools of Management at IEDC-Bled School of Management
IEDC-Bled School of Management welcomed 85 entrepreneurs, representatives of business, culture, education and science and government during their visit to Slovenia
Pobednički je tim Coca Cola HBC Srbija
Coca Cola HBC Serbia wins 6th IEDC Case Study Competition in Serbia
The Lead4Skills partnership led by CEEMAN presented its latest research findings and recommendations at the Conference on Management Development Needs on 15 and 16 June in Bled, Slovenia at the premises of IEDC-Bled School of Management.
D.Purg, Xiaobo Wu, Linan Lei (Wuhan)
Prof. Danica Purg delivers a keynote speech on Hidden Champions at the Conference of Academy of Management China
The 8th Executive PhD generation start with their studies at the IEDC-Bled School of Management. The new PhD cohort is comprised of experienced executives coming from Croatia, France, Romania and Slovenia.
Govorci na konferenci so bili strokovnjaki iz organizacij na področju naprednih poslovnih modelov_
To honour the yearly tradition of bringing together Slovenian businesses and other stakeholders to discuss the alignment of prevalent business practices with corporate social responsibility, IEDC-Bled School of Management and Ekvilib Institute organised the conference »Transformation to Sustainable Business Models« on 5 June 2018 in cooperation with the Network for Social Responsibility of Slovenia and the World Institute for Sustainability and Ethics.
Pivovarna Laško is the winner of seventh IEDC Case study competition in Slovenia
IEDC welcomed back to School alumni of different programs and generations at the refreshment course

Accreditations of the School