Digital Transformation

Become a Digital Leader

Bled, Slovenia
15.03.2018 09:00 AM
3000€ + VAT
2.850€ + VAT
February 15, 2018

The digital economy is a reality that creates immense opportunities but also significant threats for all enterprises. The shift to digital disrupts many companies and applies across all geographies. Digital leaders constantly seek to understand how digital transforms their business and how they can embrace the opportunities it brings.


Should I attend?

  • Understand and leverage the digital opportunity for creating additional business value in your current business.
  • Be more ready to go through the needed transformation process effectively.


Should attend?

  • Mid to Top Management who can leverage organizational performance through use of »digital«.
  • Out of the box thinkers with openness to transform traditional business
  • Senior management level who is responsible for introducing “digitization” into the work environment.

The program is offered in three modules of two days which can be taken as a whole or by attending separate modules.


  • DT Module I: Digital Business Model, March 15 - 16, 2018 by Branislav Vujović, New Frontier Group, Austria
  • DT Module II: Executing Digital Strategy, April 16 - 17, 2018 by Joe Peppard, MIT Sloan School of Management,USA
  • DT Module III: Digital Marketing, May 17 - 18, 2018 by Kersi D. Antia, Ivey Business School, Western University, Canada

Participants attending all three modules will be awarded the Digital Transformation certificate. Participants attending one module will obtain confirmation of attendance.

Program Fee

3.000 € + VAT for the whole program

Early Bird: 2.850 € + VAT till February 15, 2018

1.250 € + VAT for one separate module

Early Bird: 1.125 € + VAT


Albina Ribic
Albina Ribič
Executive Education Advisor

A programme for your entire team?

All of our open programmes can also be offered and delivered as in-company solution to groups of employees from the same organisation. This allows us to develop a programme that focuses on your organisation’s own situation and issues. We can schedule it at a time and location that you prefer. We can also tailor the content to fit your organisation’s needs. Please feel free to contact us for a no-obligation proposal and to explore the possibilities

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