Alumni Events

Generali Alumni Achievement Award 2019

Cafe Slamič
08.11.2019 05:00 PM
The Award recognizes outstanding career, leadership, innovation, social achievements of up to five remarkable individuals among IEDC alumni community. The AAA Award is given out at the yearly Alumni Achievement Forum. The winners are also announced at the IEDC prestigious President’s Forum held in Bled every autumn

Generali Alumni Achievement Award will be organized on Friday, November 8. The event will start at 17:00 with registration and 17:30 with the main speaker, Mr. Dominique Turcq, and his lecture »How should one ‘augment' his management?«.  Human Enhancement Technologies are all those technologies, from hearing aids to genetic modifications, that are enhancing our capabilities. But, whatever the power of these new emerging technologies, the real issue around augmenting ourselves, and in particular augmenting our management capabilities, will be our ability to develop new skills, to find new values in our actions, to be a better citizen of the management world. This is not a technology question but a humanity question.

It will be followed by Generali Alumni Achievement Award ceremony and roundtable with the Award winners.


Kersnikova ulica 1, 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia

Dominique Turcq
Founder and President of the Boostzone Institute


Manca Debeljak
Manca Debeljak
Head of Alumni Relations

Past Events

Generali Alumni Achievement Award 2019

Cafe Slamič
08.11.2019 05:00 PM
The Award recognizes outstanding career, leadership, innovation, social achievements of up to five remarkable individuals among IEDC alumni community. The AAA Award is given out at the yearly Alumni Achievement Forum. The winners are also announced at the IEDC prestigious President’s Forum held in Bled every autumn

Generali Alumni Achievement Award will be organized on Friday, November 8. The event will start at 17:00 with registration and 17:30 with the main speaker, Mr. Dominique Turcq, and his lecture »How should one ‘augment' his management?«.  Human Enhancement Technologies are all those technologies, from hearing aids to genetic modifications, that are enhancing our capabilities. But, whatever the power of these new emerging technologies, the real issue around augmenting ourselves, and in particular augmenting our management capabilities, will be our ability to develop new skills, to find new values in our actions, to be a better citizen of the management world. This is not a technology question but a humanity question.

It will be followed by Generali Alumni Achievement Award ceremony and roundtable with the Award winners.


Kersnikova ulica 1, 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia

Dominique Turcq
Founder and President of the Boostzone Institute


Manca Debeljak
Manca Debeljak
Head of Alumni Relations

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