Precombination M&A Phase of Merger and Acquisition - an Exploratory Case Study
Andrej Naraločnik
Mentor: Prof. Dr. Andrej Bertoncelj
An Examination of the Evolution and Current Practice of Management Accounting and its Impact on Organizations in Russia
Pavel Lebedev
Mentor: Prof. Dr. Sergey Falko
Integration challenges of the European Union: The case of formation of a single European rail area
Tomaž Schara
Mentor: Prof. Richard Common, United Kingdom; Co-mentor: Assoc. Prof. Ian Sutherland, Canada
Embedded business model innovation (EBMI) in the European automotive industry
Iztok Seljak
Mentor: Prof. Robert Austin, USA; Co-mentor: Assist. Prof. Ian Sutherland, Canada
Transformational leadership behaviors in a Central and Eastern European bank: An investigation of leadership behaviors and their potential influence on sales performance
Barbara Smolnikar
Mentor: Assoc. Prof. Ian Sutherland, Canada; Co-mentor: Dr. Philip Stiles, Great Britain
From experiential learning to aesthetic knowing: The arts in leadership development
Jasna Jelinek
Mentor: Prof. Steven S. Taylor, USA; Co-mentor: Assoc. Prof. Ian Sutherland
Exploring leadership in the context of Generation Y: Study in the European advertising industry
Marko Majer
Mentor: Prof. Sharon Turnbull, United Kingdom; Co-mentor: Assoc. Prof. Ian Sutherland, Canada